Friday 2 May 2014

Landscape Drawing 4

This drawing was done using pastels on coloured paper and is of a bridge over the canal in Hebden Bridge. A lot of the tones have been very well mixed although there is a bit of an aura between different sections, such as the canal water and the grass. The choice of using purple paper works quite well, giving a nice tint to some of the darker areas, such as under the bridge. Also well observed is the dark shadow cast on the water by the bridge, showing how much light is blocked by the large structure.

Landscape Drawing 3

Landscape Drawing 2

This drawing is of the inside of Cartwright Hall, looking up at one of the awnings. Unfortunately no shading has been attempted on this drawing although, the perspective has been well represented. The details in some of the architecture, like the square blocks beneath the ledges and the ornamental parts at the tops of the columns, are quite well drawn, although some of it looks slightly misshaped.

This is a drawing done as a continuous line of an area just to the left of the entrance. The whole drawing has been done without removing the pencil from the page. The perspective is actually rather good on parts of this, especially the foreshortening of the railings on the right and the archway.

Landscape Drawing 1

This is a drawing from inside the Royal Armouries museum, looking through one of the gaps in the wall at the bridge from one section to another. The use of graphic markers in this drawing has been quite well done, starting off with very light tones and progressing to quite dark tones. The spotlight effect created on the walls by the lights above have been quite well observed, creating the rounded shadows on the walls. The angle that the bridge comes across at looks to be a bit off as the view from of the wall seems to suggest a much lower elevation than the view of the bridge and the walls on the opposite side. The tones on the bar going across the gap in the wall have been done well, showing where a lot of the light is hitting it and where the light is almost completely obscured.

Life Drawing 4

Life Drawing 3

Life Drawing 2

In this drawing the proportion of the arm which is visible is not very good, however the rest of the body looks to be in quite good proportion. Also the muscles in the legs are drawn very well, with the shading bringing out the curves and grooves. The contour down the back is shaded a little too dark of a tone, giving it a harsh edge and making it seem like it is much deeper than it really is.

In this drawing the long edge of the chunky graphite pencil has been used to create long and flowing shading. The attempt hasn't been done very well however with the proportions of the right arm being quite poor and the lower part of the left arm looking much thicker than even the forearm. The shading in some parts has been quite good however, such as on the right side of the body and under the right arm.

In this drawing the proportions of model is very good, although the shading is very flat on the left side of the body and makes the left leg look like it could be facing in a different direction. There is some good shading however, such as around the clavicle and the right thigh, giving the protruding bones and muscles a bit of depth.

Life Drawing 1

In this drawing the proportions have been quite well observed in parts, mostly the top half, however the legs seem to be quite out of proportion compared to the rest of the body. The shading on the drapery has been done with good transitions between darker and lighter tones, giving them a detailed and realistic look.

In this drawing once again the leg which is visible is slightly out of proportion but not by as much, although this could be just because part of the lower leg is obscured by the drapery. The contours of the back have been attempted with hard and light shading although it does seem to be a bit off centre. 

This drawing is probably the most well observed one of this model, especially with the foreshortening caused by the angle of the artist's view. The shading on both the model and the furniture they are lying on is well done, with the highlights on the head rest and the right buttock particularly well observed.