Monday 28 October 2013

These two drawings are of a table draped in cloth with an arrangement of papier-mâché shapes, drawn with willow charcoal. 

In this drawing the shading on the drapery is well varied and smooth, although the strength of some of the shading is slightly off, with very dark shading in places where it shouldn't. The shading on the shapes, particularly the cylinder, is quite well drawn, however, the shading on the cone could be improved considerably as it is very flat and the highlight at the top left is too contrasting. The strong black box in the background with the faded edges is used well to define the edges of the shapes.

In this drawing the proportions of the sphere aren't very accurate as it is much larger on the table than it was in reality, although the shading on the sphere is very well done, with a nice gradual change in gradient with two strong highlights, produced by the ceiling lights and the windows at the side of the classroom. The shading on the drapery is a little more accurate in this drawing, with less drastic strengths. Although, the shadow produced by the cone, of which only the base can be seen, needs to be stronger. Once again a dark background is used to define the shapes and works much better in this drawing.

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